The excitement of photojournalism is to capture and document candid moments of life and human nature, truthfully and honestly. When done well, photography can evoke a powerful emotional response and dialogue, make cultural norms and traditions relatable to a broader audience, and provide a visual expression of social commentary (whether positive or negative). Looking through the lens should always result in seeing life with greater clarity, and helping others to do the same.
As with street photography, photojournalism cannot be manufactured or constructed. It must be organic. Always have your camera around your neck or over your shoulder. Get outside and walk around. Meet people; talk to strangers, ask questions. Be inquisitive, be observant, and be ready, always. You may be surprised to find how many fascinating narratives can be uncovered from a healthy dose of genuine curiosity and kindness. The stories relayed, and accompanying emotions and dialogue, are often the best photographic frame.